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In college I took a performance art class. We were given the chance to perform an individual piece for the class to be seen and voted on. The pieces that were voted in would be performed live for an audience two nights in a row. This is my piece that was one of the more popular pieces in the class. When I thought of what I was going to do for my piece, I agonized over what it was that I could do for my piece. Did I want to make a statement about something? How did I feel about all of the statements that were the commonalities that I have seen with performance art? I found that I held a strong belief that performance art did not need a strong political message to still be performance art. As long as it had strong ties to who you are as a person and if it elicited a reaction out of the audience. And so I thought of this piece. I went up there and painted with my hands and body to a song that brought out happy feelings in myself so it should for others. We did have a time limit so I chose a song to be my timer for me. My manifesto for this project was

"I want to do what I want to do,

without a deeper meaning being construed."

Having a deeper meaning is important. But all I wanted to do was go up on the stage and have fun and exude positive energy. And hope that you would have fun watching me and feel happy and positive after the performance was over.


Song credit: The Build a Sim music from The Sims 2

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